Conventional methods of biting fly control, such as those used for mosquitoes, house flies and barn flies are either environmentally undesirable or economically impractical. Both adults and larvae of flies are large in comparison to other, non-target organisms. Generally, more insecticide is needed to kill larger insects. The higher concentrations or greater amounts of toxic materials needed to obtain control have undesirable effects on other insects, animals and the environment. Water management by ditching may actually enhance biting fly populations. Although high-level impoundments reduce the numbers of developing larvae, this is a costly and impractical approach to fly control. Traps were developed originally to measure fly populations. In fact, the traps capture large numbers of blood-seeking flies and if such traps are located at the edge of a marsh or in adjacent uplands where flies concentrate, they serve as a outstanding option to control the biting fly population. Where single traps capture hundreds of flies per day, a marked reduction in biting fly annoyance results when multiple traps are used. After several years of refinement in trap design as well as the study of optimal trap location, we are confident that our traps will capture flies in numbers great enough to decrease your fly problem. With continual removal of large numbers of flies over several seasons you will see a significant reduction in the total fly population.


FlyCatch-R Maintenance

.Maintenance is simply matter of changing the catching media on a regular basis. The FlyCatch-R should be inspected weekly during the peak of the fly season. At each inspection, captured flies should be removed and disposed of. The captured flies usually die in less than 24 hours and soon dry up and decompose. Catchers perform best when the catching media is not completely covered with flies which can result in obscuring the light through the top of the FlyCatch-R. Regular disposal of captured and dead flies results in a more captures per hour


FlyCatch-R Placement

The FlyCatch-R should be placed in a open/clear sunny location. Complete placement and assembly instructions are sent out with each FlyCatch-R purchase. The FlyCatch-R must be put in open sunny area, the FlyCatch-R when heated up gives off a heat signature that attracts the flies. Complete placement and assembly instructions are sent out with each FlyCatch-R purchase. Do not put the FlyCatch-R on a deck, or under a deck. Set it in an open area away from people and pets, to draw the flies away. Complete placement and assembly instructions are sent out with each FlyCatch-R purchase